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Rights and Reproductions

Reproduction Orders

If you require image files of works from our collection, please contact: bildarchiv(at)

A list of fees (PDF) can be found here.

The content, texts, illustrations, graphics, audio and video documents, and other materials provided on this website are protected by copyright. All rights remain reserved by the respective rights holders. Any reproduction, publication, or other form of use is not permitted without the express consent of the Museum der Moderne Salzburg or the respective rights holders. Simple linking to content on this website with proper source attribution is always allowed and does not require permission.

Loan Requests

We support exhibitions with loans from our collections within the framework of our conservation possibilities and ethical principles.

You can find our detailed loan conditions here.

Please submit your loan request in writing to Mag. Harald Krejci, Director of the Museum der Moderne Salzburg, at direktion(at) or by postal mail to: Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Directorate, Mönchsberg 32, 5020 Salzburg, Austria.

Your request will be forwarded internally to the relevant collection management. Our loan meetings take place every three months. A written response will be provided in due course, either confirming or declining the request, without justification.