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Tom Rakewell, surrounded by artists and professors
Tom Rakewell, surrounded by artists and professors
Tom Rakewell, surrounded by artists and professors
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Tom Rakewell, surrounded by artists and professors

  • Blatt 2 der Serie „A rake's progress“
Künstler:in (1697 - 1764)
Date1735; publ. 25.6.1735
MediumRadierung und Kupferstich
Display DimensionsBlatt: 46,2 cm × 59,7 cm (462 × 597 mm)
Platte: 35,7 cm × 40,7 cm (357 × 407 mm)
Credit LineMuseum der Moderne Salzburg
Object numberBA 14627_1-8_2
Provenance1996 Ankauf
The young heir takes possession of the miser's effects
William Hogarth
1735; publ. 25.6.1735
The tavern scene
William Hogarth
1735; publ. 25.6.1735
Arrested for debt
William Hogarth
1735; publ. 25.6.1735
Married to an old maid
William Hogarth
1735; publ. 25.6.1735
Scene in a gaming house
William Hogarth
1735; publ. 25.6.1735
The prison scene
William Hogarth
1735; publ. 25.6.1735
Scene in a madhouse
William Hogarth
1735; publ. 25.6.1735
Arrival in Town
William Hogarth
1732; publ. 1798
The quarrel with her jewish protector
William Hogarth
1732; publ. 1798